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September '22 LILT Updates

by Lilt  Han Mai, Associate Director, Demand Generation  ·  AI, Connector, Customer, News, Technology
September '22 LILT Updates

As we look back on the last months of summer, we’re proud to have welcomed LILT’s first CMO, announced our newest Dual method Connectors, and shared exciting resources to maximize your localization ROI.Read on to learn more about what we were up to this month.

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LILT’s First Chief of Marketing Officer: Andy Jolls

We're officially welcoming our first CMO, Andy Jolls, to the team! We are so excited for what’s in store under his leadership.

Learn what he has to say here.

Launching Dual Method Connectors

We’ve announced the newest addition to our dual method Connector portfolio with the launch of our Craft Content Management System (CMS) Connector.

Dual method Connectors support both Instant and Verified Translation.

Read more here.

Cutting Costs with the Right Technology

Cutting Costs with the Right Localization Technology

Many companies are looking for ways to save money and prepare for a future of potential uncertainty.

Here are a few ways to cut costs throughout the localization process to help run a cost-effective but powerful program.

Read now.

Bringing eCommerce into the Modern Digital Age with Language

The way consumers buy and make purchasing decisions is changing. Customers are now in control of who, when, and where they engage with eCommerce brands and companies. Oftentimes, language is one of the biggest differentiators. We’re sharing four best practices to consider when building a seamless and personalized global customer journey for your eCommerce brand.

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Thank you for reading.


The LILT Team