[Customer Testimonial Video] Anuvu is Going Global
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Optimize your localization workflow with our XTM connector

LILT's native integration with XTM makes it easy for you to submit translation projects to LILT from right inside your translation management system. The XTM connector allows you to track localization progress and upload translation memories to LILT without leaving XTM. LILT also keeps XTM's translation memories up-to-date as we translate your content. When translation is complete, LILT's XTM connector sends the translated content right back into XTM to be approved and reviewed.

Connect with LILT
Accelerate your localization
LILT's seamless integrations help you save time and speed up translation so you can focus on creating new content and products.
Make translation effortless
You can skip the hassle of manually transferring content to be localized by using LILTs XTM Cloud connector.
Stay up-to-date conveniently
LILT's Connector automatically sends updated translation memories to XTM to keep your data organized.
The way LILT manages content inside the application, particularly with neural machine translation and human-in-the-loop, makes things easy to use, and since the translation memory updates in real time, working with LILT simply made sense for translating the large volume of new content for the Machine Automation Solutions portfolio.”