205A3FD3-2C85-4B22-9382-BF91AE55C6B7 205A3FD3-2C85-4B22-9382-BF91AE55C6B7

Seamless translation with LILT via WebTranslateIt

Optimize your localization workflow by translating content directly from inside your preferred project management tool.

Access translation at home
Access translation at home

Lilt's native integration makes it easy for you to request translations from right within your project management tool. Lilt's connector also allows you to track translation progress, accept translations, and set up automatic updates all within the project management tool. When translation is complete, Lilt sends the translated content right back into the project management tool to be viewed.


Connect with LILT

Accelerate your localization

Save time and speed up translation so you can focus on creating new content and products.

Make translation effortless

You can skip the hassle of manually transferring content to be translated.

Update information conveniently

Set up automatic translation so you don't have to worry about sending us new content to translate.

Start your AI journey with LILT today