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Announcing LILT’s AI Day

by Lilt  Han Mai, Associate Director, Demand Generation  ·  Security

On Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 5pm CET, 8am PDT, LILT will be hosting a virtual webinar, Translating Success: How AI is Changing the Enterprise Landscape. This 90-minute webinar will explore large language models, Contextual AI, and LILT’s AI translation solution for enterprises.

Featuring 3 unique sessions, our webinar sessions will be led by a panel of AI and localization experts posing and answering inquiries into LILT’s latest products and technologies, how they work, and how they can enhance the localization and translation process within your company. Distinguished data scientists and researchers, product experts, and LILT CEO, Spence Green, are among the slated speakers.

Session topics include: 

• GPT-4 & LLMs: Impact on Translation for Enterprises
• Ask the AI Experts: What’s Under the Localization Hood?
• Connect with the Translation Community: The Future of Work with AI Technology. 

Register now to save your spot! Join us as we bridge the gap between cutting-edge AI technology and your business needs, all while bringing on speakers who have revolutionized the industry. We aim to leave you feeling empowered and confident working with LILT’s latest AI innovations.

Why AI, Why Now?

Language is key to building winning global customer experiences.s companies expand globally, the need for accurate, efficient, scalable localization has never been more critical. 

With the rise of Contextual AI and large language models, such as ChatGPT, there are exciting new opportunities to revolutionize the localization process and unlock significant benefits for companies of all sizes.

With a blended workforce of skilled linguists, Contextual AI, and large language models working together, companies can render more copy in the native language of many markets while ensuring the accuracy of translation only a skilled linguist could provide.

3 Sessions to Expect 

Attendees can expect to engage with the following sessions throughout AI Day.

1. GPT-4 & LLMs: Impact on Translation for Enterprises

We're bringing together an expert panel from LILT’s Product Team to discuss the future of translation work, augmented by AI-powered technology & human adaptive feedback. Walk away with an understanding of how LILT’s technology is trained and how it compares to traditional MT systems and language service providers. 

LILT’s CEO, CMO, and senior product manager will be leading the conversation throughout this session.

 2. Ask the AI Experts: What’s Under the Localization Hood?

This technical session will unveil the “black box” behind localization AI and LILT’s platform. 

Participate in an intimate chat with our Research and Product Teams as they dive into the inner workings of large language models and generative AI, while exploring how these tools can be leveraged for translation and content creation. 

By understanding the technology that produces a result from large language models, you can better understand how to troubleshoot these systems to assist your organization with meeting its globalization goals.

3. Connect with the Translation Community: The Future of Work with AI Technology

Once AI was viewed as a threat to linguistic work. Now, LILT offers a clear vision of how linguists and AI together can offer unparalleled benefits to linguists and customers alike by working together as a blended workforce.

Join this session to understand how this mutually beneficial relationship will enable synchronization with the growing demand for translated work. When linguists work with AI, translation can occur quickly while maintaining its accuracy through linguist vetting. In addition, the team will touch on data privacy and LILT’s AI DataStudio.

Elevate Your Localization With AI Day

The information covered on AI Day will influence and improve your AI localization strategy well past April 11, 2023.

When you register for AI Day, you equip yourself with the skills necessary to bring your company’s globalization tactics to meet the market’s current needs. Instead of leaning into fear and turning your back on AI altogether, you embrace it as a valued team member that can assist your overextended linguists in doing more with less. 

AI Day will have you feeling excited about the future and all that AI has to offer. Register today, and improve your localization tomorrow.