205A3FD3-2C85-4B22-9382-BF91AE55C6B7 205A3FD3-2C85-4B22-9382-BF91AE55C6B7

Security and Trust Center

The security of your translation data is our top priority
Security and Trust Center

Trabajamos con organizaciones líderes de todo el mundo (1)


We know that your data is valuable and always has to be protected. LILT has built leading security features into every layer of the LILT Contextual AI Platform and each step of the global content production supply chain. Our transparency enables you to meet your regulatory needs while taking advantage of our platform.


Security Features

Implementación de servidores privados

Implementación de servidores privados

Implementa la plataforma de LILT en diversos entornos como la nube pública, la nube privada, la nube local y sin sistema operativo.

Supply Chain Observability

Efficiently manage and monitor your content supply chain and system configurations whilst ensuring maximum data privacy.


LILT complies with all applicable privacy and security laws and meet the unique compliance needs of highly regulated industries.



We value the privacy of your data, and understand that it is essential to your organization and your customers. At LILT, we're committed to safeguarding your information at every step of the process.

National Weather Service

"It's critical that security aspects of where and how we are able to securely access tooling such as LILT or anything else, as well as how that those products manage and are trusted to manage the data which we are using."

Monica Bozeman, Physical Scientist, Automated Language Translation Lead

Preguntas frecuentes sobre seguridad de LILT

¿Mis datos se comparten entre clientes?

Si no se comparten datos, ¿cómo se generan sugerencias de traducción?

¿Dónde se almacenan tus datos?

¿Tus datos están respaldados?

¿A quién puedo contactar si tengo preguntas sobre la seguridad de Lilt?

Comienza tu viaje de IA con LILT hoy mismo