The most advanced AI platform for federal foreign language missions
Translate content quickly and accurately at scale with LILT

LILT provides translation technology for

Trusted by organizations around the world

LILT for Government
LILT’s AI-powered technology scales your translation impact, helping you translate mass quantities of content more quickly and accurately with the same or reduced resources.

Work with our dedicated Government Solutions and AI Research teams to access and implement innovative AI and neural machine translation technology throughout your organization.

When time is of the essence, every moment counts. LILT’s technology dramatically improves translator productivity, with government agency linguists reporting 3-4x gains in productivity compared to past solutions.

Leverage LILT’s AI-powered platform features to help linguists reduce error rates, increase accuracy, and eliminate repetitive, manual tasks.
Deploy the LILT platform across diverse environments such as public cloud, private cloud, on-premise, and bare metal.
The LILT platform is built for high-performance and government-grade security, and is optimized to process and translate large content volumes.

"Our team completed more translation work in 4 months with LILT than in the previous 2 years."