
Qualité Built crée son programme de localisation avec Lilt

Qualité Built fait évoluer sa localisation pour effectuer sa commercialisation plus vite que jamais
de 101 à 500 employés

Taille de l'entreprise

de 101 à 500 employés

Fort Lauderdale, Floride

Emplacement du siège social

Fort Lauderdale, Floride




Pourquoi Lilt ?

Besoin d'un partenaire pour vous aider à créer un programme de localisation pour traduire à grande échelle des volumes de contenu importants


Une stratégie de localisation évolutive qui permet une commercialisation rapide et avec une qualité de traduction élevée


The world has become more globally connected in recent years than ever before. Local businesses no longer simply cater to local markets. The result? The way that companies, employees, and customers interact with one another is drastically different than even just a few years ago.

While companies need to ensure that global customers are able to engage with their brand, it’s equally as important to make sure that multilingual employees have access to the same company information, regardless of the language they speak. These days, more and more employees speak different languages and come from backgrounds far beyond the borders of their countries of employment. In fact, 90% of US companies have employees that speak languages other than English. 

Un véritable besoin de traduction

The construction industry is especially familiar with this trend. Many construction sites these days are multilingual, with workers speaking English, Spanish, and a mix of other languages as well. However, if companies aren’t prepared to properly support multilingual employees, the language gap can create challenges, especially on-site.

That’s exactly what Eric Searcy, VP of Digital Media, and the team at Quality Built are trying to solve.

De nombreux ouvriers ne parlent pas anglais, donc lorsqu'ils arrivent sur un chantier, ils ne sont souvent pas en mesure de comprendre les règles et les protocoles de la même façon. S'ils ne savent pas où ils sont autorisés à aller et où ils ne le sont pas, cela peut être dangereux.

Eric Searcy

V.-P des médias numériques

Using a network of professionals backed by their proprietary industry-leading software, Quality Built is transforming the way construction sites are inspected, trained, and run as efficiently as possible. With over 25 years of on-the-ground data and experience, the company is able to help their customers mitigate risk across a wide range of areas.

Atténuer les risques par l'accessibilité linguistique

One of the primary focuses for Eric and his team at Quality Built is ensuring that training materials are kept up to date and available. Since all of these materials need to be multilingual so all workers can understand them, localization is a key piece to business success.

“Everyone at a job site needs to be able to understand the training materials, no matter the topic. Since much of the industry speaks Spanish, translation is vital for us to be able to get trainings out to everyone on-site,” said Eric.

Without localization, many on-site workers would not be able to understand the important guidelines, instructions, and safety protocols for the area. Aside from a poor, fragmented experience, a lack of training is a serious safety concern that Quality Built is working to eliminate. With localization, however, Quality Built is working to ensure that every construction professional is equipped with the knowledge to perform current best practices and follow workplace standards.

Créer une solution de localisation à long terme

Before partnering with LILT, Quality Built didn’t have a true system in place to translate any content.

“All of our content was only built in English. But once it got out to the workers out in the field, if they didn’t speak English, there was no way for them to understand the trainings," Eric said. "That was a major problem.”

That’s when Eric and team realized they needed a real localization process in place. How were they going to be able to translate their growing volume of content and get it into the field quickly?

Le but pour nous était de trouver un moyen d’obtenir une traduction rapide et de qualité supérieure. Depuis que nous travaillons avec Lilt, tout est à la hauteur de nos attentes.

Eric Searcy

V.-P des médias numériques

After kicking off their partnership with LILT, Quality Built has been able to deliver multilingual trainings faster than ever. As they didn’t have a process in place before, they looked to LILT for guidance on establishing a localization workflow and support as they looked to scale.

Améliorations à chaque instant

Since getting started with LILT, Quality Built has been able to get localization done quickly.

“Getting started was very straightforward, there weren’t any bumps in the road. Once we got organized and on the platform, things just worked.”

Now, Eric is more confident knowing the LILT team is able to help him complete the localization process seamlessly and support Quality Built at every turn.

Les améliorations en matière de productivité et une communication fantastique ont été deux choses qui ont vraiment contribué à nous faciliter la vie tout au long du processus de localisation. Savoir que nous pouvons nous adresser à Lilt et obtenir des réponses de leur équipe quand nous en avons besoin est salutaire.

Eric Searcy

V.-P des médias numériques

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