Création et adaptation du programme de localisation de PriceSmart
PriceSmart adapte ses efforts de localisation en s'appuyant sur les intégrations et la technologie de LiltTaille de l'entreprise
1 001 à 5 000
Emplacement du siège
San Diego, Californie

Vente au détail
Pourquoi Lilt ?
Parce qu'ils avaient besoin d'un partenaire à même de proposer une solution de localisation à grande échelle, qui leur permettrait de rapidement atteindre le marché
De nouveaux flux de travail ont été implémentés par le biais d'intégrations. Il a été ainsi possible d'envoyer et de recevoir du contenu à traduire rapidement, à un niveau de qualité élevé
COVID-19 has dramatically altered the way people purchase and consume products. As a result, retail and e-commerce companies have had to rethink how they operate and connect with customers.
PriceSmart is one of those companies. The multinational retail company is a shopping club that offers high quality goods at low prices for its members. Along with traditional merchandise, PriceSmart offers optical centers and tire balancing, and recently has opened its first pharmacies and audiology centers. The rapid growth the company has experienced before the pandemic has only accelerated in 2020 and beyond.
Se développer de pays en pays
Though headquartered in San Diego, CA, PriceSmart is the largest membership warehouse club in Central America and the Caribbean and has a growing presence in South America as well.
While localization has been a key component of PriceSmart’s growth strategy since its early days, it has only become more and more important as the company has grown and evolved into a more digital solution.
Localization started as a back-office requirement to make sure that supply chain and compliance processes were all well-communicated globally. Today, language translation has become a key part of PriceSmart’s member-facing global experience strategy.
As the company continues to expand its offerings and the channels through which it communicates with its members, global experience and localization become more and more relevant.
Un nouveau défi local
The pandemic presented a new challenge for David Price, Vice President of Omnichannel Initiatives & Social and Environmental Responsibility at PriceSmart. Though PriceSmart’s online e-commerce sales started as only a small part of the business, it has since grown to become a significant portion of the total sales for the company throughout the pandemic.
With so many visitors to the site coming from so many different locales, building a unified global experience strategy to make sure all customers could access the information in the language they need became crucial to the company’s continued growth and success.
Le processus de traduction de contenu est devenu un véritable casse-tête. Nous avions des difficultés à assurer une exécution cohérente et ponctuelle, d'autant plus avec le retard accumulé.
David Price
Vice-président des initiatives omnicanales et de la responsabilité sociale et environnementale chez PriceSmart.
PriceSmart had unique content in both English and in Spanish, but much of that content had not been translated from one language into the other. With multiple technology systems in play, the company knew they needed to find a partner that could help it put a solution in place to both tackle their existing work, but also scale to meet new challenges as the volume of content grew.
Créer une véritable expérience mondiale de bout en bout
In order to put foundational systems in place to help and start translating content for the correct locales, David started the search for a partner that could understand their needs for an end to end global experience for their members.
L'accent mis par LILT sur la technologie, l'IA et les connecteurs, ainsi que sur le leadership et l'expérience de l'équipe, ont été très impressionnants. Je voulais travailler avec un partenaire dont l'expertise et les capacités soient à même de grandir et d'évoluer à nos côtés.
David Price
Vice-président des initiatives omnicanales et de la responsabilité sociale et environnementale chez PriceSmart.
With the large volume of content to localize, David values the quickness and accuracy that LILT provides.
“We know that we will have a lot of content to get through going forward, so it’s really helpful to have a partner like LILT to help us be efficient and consistent with our translations," David said.
Envisager l’avenir avec la localisation
Looking ahead, David and his team at PriceSmart are figuring out new ways to provide members with the products and services they need in the language they understand, all while building for the future.
With a new mobile application recently launched and continuing development of PriceSmart’s Private Label, Member’s Selection, there is a lot of content coming and more opportunities ahead.
Dans le cadre de l'expérience mondiale de nos membres, il est important que le grand public se familiarise avec leurs produits locaux. C'est pour cela que nous devons être à même de favoriser ces nouvelles opportunités avec un contenu localisé efficace.
David Price
Vice-président des initiatives omnicanales et de la responsabilité sociale et environnementale chez PriceSmart.