Reconstruire le programme de localisation de Pecege avec le partenariat et la technologie
Pecege s'est associé à Lilt pour bénéficier de traductions plus rapides, d'un niveau de qualité plus élevé et d'une expérience client mondiale unifiéeTaille de l'entreprise
201 à 500
Emplacement du siège
São Paulo, Brésil

Pourquoi Lilt ?
Parce que Pecege avait besoin d'une solution simple qui leur permettrait de traduire rapidement leur catalogue de cours en ligne sans cesse croissant, ainsi que le contenu de ces cours.
Pecege est en capacité de traduire plus de contenu sans venir compromettre la qualité de ses traductions. L'organisation est ainsi plus à même de créer des cours à commercialiser à une vitesse encore inégalée.
Online learning has experienced enormous growth over the last ten years as more and more students have shown interest in non-traditional ways to learn and gain new skills. In 2019, experts forecasted that the online education industry would reach $350bn by 2025 - and that was before the pandemic struck. In early 2020, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic radically changed the way people live, disrupting key institutions like schools and rapidly accelerating the shift to online learning.
As in-person learning experiences and classrooms quickly moved online, many students around the world started learning virtually. As interest surged, more part-time and full-time learning opportunities appeared. More people than ever are looking for ways to take advantage of opportunities to learn and grow, and those that may not have had access to high quality education can now learn online.
One leading institution focused on providing full curriculum classes in Brazil is Pecege. The organization offers undergraduate and MBA courses to enable individuals to further their education and build their professional careers.
S'ancrer localement, se développer à l'international
Improving education isn’t just a goal for locals in Brazil - it’s something that professionals and lifelong learners are looking to do worldwide. The team at Pecege understands that, and has been working to make sure that anyone - regardless of language - has access to high quality, professional level education. Localization plays a big part in their growth strategy.
“Right now, we’re experiencing a lot of growth and are internationalizing everything. All of our materials need to be translated, from course content and exams to administrative documents and course descriptions," said Luiza Paes, Translation Team Lead at Pecege.
Pecege is unique - while the institution has workflows to localize its own content, the team itself is full of translators that use traditional computer-assisted translation tools and translation management systems.
The tools and systems they previously used caused major headaches and delays to their workflows, leading to slowed growth and limited rollout of new courses - ultimately reducing the number of students globally that have access to the high-quality education that Pecege provides.
Moreover, various internal language teams were using different systems to tackle translation needs, causing even more hiccups and disconnects.
“The team working on localizing courses into Spanish was using one tool, while the team working on English was using a different tool, and so on. We were getting into trouble because the timelines and quality delivered was so different depending on the language, which was constantly causing problems,” said Luiza.
Nous avons tellement de types différents de contenus à traduire chaque mois Les autres systèmes que nous utilisions ne nous permettaient pas de traduire autant de volume, ce qui limitait notre champ d'action.
Luiza Paes
Responsable de l'équipe de traduction chez Pecege
Plusieurs façons de trouver de la valeur
Once the team at Pecege found LILT, they quickly found that their localization workflow and translation issues could be resolved. Documents, especially repetitive content, that used to take hours for Pecege to tackle can now be done in minutes because of the tools that they have access to with LILT.
“The technologies that LILT offers make everything easier for us. Translation memories are easy to use, the machine learning technology enables us to get really high-quality translations, and it’s user-friendly. All of that adds up quickly and makes our entire process so much smoother," Luiza said.
Beyond the day-to-day improvements, Pecege finds that they’re now able to track turnaround times, translation speed, and much more in ways that they never were able to prior.
Nos mesures sont en constante évolution, mais Lilt a tenu le coup à chaque tournant et nous aide à suivre tout ce dont nous avons besoin. Cela peut avoir l'air de rien, mais la technologie de Lilt a entièrement changé notre programme de localisation.
Luiza Paes
Responsable de l'équipe de traduction chez Pecege
Une voie vers l'apprentissage, de n'importe où
Pecege has plans to revolutionize the way students access and take courses online. But to get there, they knew they needed a partner along the way.
“LILT is different than anyone we’ve worked with in the past. We see this as a partnership - not only is the technology helping us grow a lot quicker than before, the team is always supportive and helpful whenever we need," said Luiza.
With that partnership, Pecege is looking to continue its growth and create new educational opportunities in new languages faster than ever.
Plus nous traduisons, plus nous proposons une expérience pour tous qui n'est pas limitée à un seul pays. Lilt nous aide à créer une expérience client mondiale unifiée, peu importe l'endroit où se trouvent nos clients ou la langue qu'ils parlent.
Luiza Paes
Responsable de l'équipe de traduction chez Pecege