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nView réduit ses coûts de traduction et améliore ses délais d'exécution avec Lilt

Grâce à son partenariat avec Lilt, nView arrive à diviser ses coûts de traduction par 10 et à atteindre ses marchés plus vite que jamais.
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Taille de l'entreprise

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Atlanta, Géorgie

Emplacement du siège

Atlanta, Géorgie




Pourquoi Lilt ?

Nous étions à la recherche d'un partenaire sur le long terme qui nous aiderait à accélérer nos traductions et à réduire nos coûts.


Des coûts de services de traduction jusqu'à 10 fois moins chers et des traductions de la plus grande qualité


Mental health conditions are becoming increasingly common across the world. In fact, an estimated 20% of adults experience a serious mental illness in their lifetime, and over 5 million children in the United States are affected on a daily basis. The global COVID-19 pandemic further exacerbated mental health issues worldwide, raising awareness about these issues and concerns about how to solve them.

Unfortunately, a global shortage of qualified behavioral health specialists who can accurately diagnose and treat individuals suffering from mental health illnesses is causing significant delays in treatment plans and care, leaving millions to suffer. In order to quickly and effectively diagnose, monitor, and treat those struggling with behavioral health issues, medical professionals, educators, and researchers need access to the latest research and other treatment information.

That’s where nView Health steps in.

With evidence-based solutions that have been cited in more than 20,000 publications over the last 25 years, nView Health provides innovative technologies and services to those mental health professionals and researchers. Mental health issues affect people of all backgrounds and cultures across all languages. Without access to local language content, many of these professionals and researchers worldwide are left without the information they need to effectively treat patients.

Le défi de la localisation

Because they work with some of the largest clinical research organizations around the world, it’s vital for nView to provide its solutions in many languages and locales.

“nView solutions are used in clinical and academic research, and in clinical practice around the world. Whenever there's a research study or clinical practice that needs our solutions internationally, they typically have to be translated into multiple languages to support the specific populations,” said Jim Szyperski, CEO of nView Health. “As a result, we have a large and growing number of behavioral health measurement solutions that have to be multilingual.”

The translation process is complex, with specific attention to each word’s meaning and intent necessary to properly measure results. The largely manual effort by translation providers historically has led to high costs and time-consuming workflows, both of which made it difficult for nView to effectively get their solutions out into the market in a timely and cost-effective manner.

“In many cases, there is a pressing timetable that provides little time to spare. These are typically complex projects, sometimes involving multiple countries and languages and many moving parts. Delays or extended time frames for translation are costly and put the project and our customer implementation dates at risk. That is simply not acceptable.”

En travaillant avec Lilt, nous n'avons plus à nous dire que la livraison prendra des mois. Aujourd'hui, nous savons que nous récupérerons nos projets dans les semaines qui suivent et que nous pouvons compter sur le travail qui nous est renvoyé.

Maurice Rosenbaum

Conseiller en produit chez nView

Trouver une nouvelle occasion de progresser

To overcome these fundamental hurdles, the nView technology team decided to start the search for vendors that could provide additional language translation options for their global customers. When they came across LILT, the team at nView saw the great potential for a new long term partner that extensively applied new technologies to both accelerate the translation process and lower the customer costs for translation services. This allows nView to more effectively manage translation costs and timeframes on behalf of their customers.

With the time and cost savings, nView estimates that the cost of translation services with LILT can be up to 10x less while maintaining the highest level of translation quality. Additionally, the underlying AI technology used by LILT's translation services has successfully been used by nView on several internal initiatives that have helped nView in previously unforeseen ways.

“We’ve finally been able to finish some projects that had been problematic, to say the least. From the beginning of our relationship with LILT, they have been a real partner in the best sense of the word. Well beyond the excellent translation services they provide, their team has been refreshingly collaborative and responsive. The LILT team has even proactively applied their advanced technical capabilities to benefit nView on several internal initiatives that we neither foresaw nor could have done in a quality manner without them,” Jim said.

Créer un partenariat pour l'avenir

While the cost and time savings are critical to current and future business opportunities, nView doesn’t view LILT as just another vendor.

Nos méthodes de travail en équipe s'alignent. Ainsi, c'est en partenaires que nous abordons nos projets et non en tant que client-fournisseur. Lilt est une composante de notre équipe, elle nous aide à accélérer la mise sur le marché de nos produits.

Maurice Rosenbaum

Conseiller en produit chez nView

Looking ahead, that partnership looks to be a valuable asset for nView’s future plans.

“A big part of identifying, diagnosing, and treating mental health issues is creating a unified global experience for everyone,” said Jim. “We know that having LILT as a partner will enable us to provide the medical community with the solutions and language access it needs to continue to treat patients everywhere. That is our mission at nView”

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