Lobster Ink, une division d'Ecolab, double ses efforts de localisation
LILT améliore les flux de travail de localisation et arrive à plus que doubler la productionTaille de l'entreprise
101 à 500
Emplacement du siège
Amsterdam, Pays-Bas

Pourquoi choisir Lilt ?
Nous avions besoin d'améliorer nos délais d'exécution et la qualité de nos traductions pour optimiser nos efforts à l'international
Lobster Ink a plus que doublé sa production de localisation avec LILT
One of the hardest challenges for both growing and enterprise companies is maintaining a connected workforce across offices and remote locations. As more companies start to move to a flexible work environment, it’s easy for employees to feel isolated and untrained. Because of that, it can be especially difficult to create meaningful change across organizations.
Lobster Ink, a division of global leader Ecolab, is a leading online learning platform built to help companies provide their employees with skills and knowledge to drive measurable behavior change. Whether that’s helping a company inject new life into a brand that’s losing its luster or training recently repositioned employees on the managerial skills and on-floor experience they need, Lobster Ink works with some of the world’s largest brands including Marriott, Four Seasons, Whole Foods, and more.
“We work with a lot of companies in the hospitality, restaurant, and food retail industries,” said Curtis Deysel, Translation Program Manager at Lobster Ink. “We’re helping those companies by providing internal training solutions so they can establish processes and change workforce behavior to improve on customer experience and sales.”
Avant Lilt, récupérer le contenu localisé prenait plusieurs semaines, voire plusieurs mois. Pour nous, la rapidité est importante, mais nous accusions toujours un décalage entre le lancement de notre contenu en anglais et celui dans les autres langues.
Curtis Deysel
Responsable du programme de traduction chez Lobster Ink
Dernier maillon de la chaîne, la localisation est retardée
Because they work with international companies, though, they’re always in need of translated content. And like many other localization teams, they sit at the end of the content process. The localization team is brought in after content is created in English, so they would often translate in large batches, sometimes taking months to complete.
Explorer de nouvelles possibilités pour faire avancer la localisation
To overcome these challenges, Deysel and his team started exploring new vendors to try and reduce the amount of time their localization workflow was taking. Ultimately, it came down to three paramount factors: cost, speed, and scalability. With LILT, they found all three.
“The biggest improvement that we found with LILT was the fact that we were able to move from a batched workflow to a much more flexible, continuous localization workflow. It’s far more beneficial for us to be able to rollout content in a staggered approach. We don't have to wait two months to have the entire program ready for your learners. Now, we can start rolling out the first course within a program very quickly, meaning customers can get started on their work a lot quicker.”
Lobster Ink has been taking advantage of LILT’s API functionality to better integrate with existing systems and automate previously tedious tasks, allowing them to get content to their customers faster than ever.
Avec la fonctionnalité API de LILT, nous pouvons nous connecter directement à notre système de gestion de l'apprentissage (LMS). Nous pouvons directement envoyer notre contenu à LILT, ce qui nous a permis de rationaliser le processus et d'automatiser des tâches que nous devions jusque-là exécuter manuellement.
Curtis Deysel
Responsable du programme de traduction chez Lobster Ink
Une nouvelle façon de penser avec LILT
With LILT, they’ve seen business-changing results. Not only has the number of support tickets from learners decreased, the completion rate for their newly localized courses has increased meaningfully. On top of that, they’ve been able to over double the number of supported languages.
Beyond numbers, Lobster Ink has started to look more closely at their internal processes to see how they can continue to improve their bottom line.
“One of the biggest things that we try to focus on as a team is to always ask the question ‘Why?’. Why are we doing something a particular way? Is there a better way to do it?" said Deysel. "LILT has brought that mindset with it - because it's so flexible and there's so many different options available to us, we've been able to optimize and implement incremental changes as we go to help us get content quicker.”
Envisager des résultats continus
What’s next for Lobster Ink? In the immediate, they continue to try and find new ways to optimize and make the localization process even faster. Looking ahead, though, growth is top of mind.
For Curtis, being able to help the company use innovative technology to solve problems was a big factor in his pursuit of localization at Lobster Ink. Using a localization workflow like LILT’s human-involved system, he says, will only create more opportunities for the industry as a whole.
“With technology moving so fast in this day and age, humans often worry that they will be replaced by machines. But by partnering the humans with artificial intelligence and machine translation, they become more effective. They're able to get through the translations quicker. They're able to take on more projects and they’re ultimately able to make better money for themselves as a result. I see that as a win-win situation, both for companies like us and for the industry as a whole.”
LILT a considérablement amélioré notre efficacité, ce qui nous a permis de doubler le nombre de langues que nous prenons en charge. À terme, nous aimerions atteindre le plus grand nombre de marchés possible. Ainsi, davantage de personnes auront accès aux informations dont elles ont besoin.
Curtis Deysel
Responsable du programme de traduction chez Lobster Ink